Monday, August 8, 2011

Baby Cooker

Let's just make one thing clear...this is not the pregnant fairy's belly and it ain't Kori's foot, however, the force with which the little bugger manages to kick me in the back makes me think she's going to be a shoe-in for the women's national soccer or rugby teams! As a matter of fact, I'm considering an early sex change op so that she/he/it can make some moolah playing for the Stormers. Watch out Peter Grant!!!

The fairy is not acting very fairy-like lately. She's waddling around like she's been got at by a randy rhinoceros and pretty much every movement illicits a wide variety of grunts and groans. Turning over in bed involves an industrial crane, me moving into the spare-room for 15 minutes and the neighbours peering over the wall to see if everything is ok. The dogs have figured out that they can get away with anything cause mom can't catch them to mete out punishment, I think they're loving it!

Our midwife told us a couple of weeks ago that the little bugger could pop any day now, and the longer it goes on, the more the pressure is building. She dropped down into position, started clawing at the Cervix (according to Pregnant Fairy) and contractions started. However, these symptoms just decided to linger, so the waddler now doubles over in pain every now and then while scrubbing the floors and I have to remind her to get on with it else my supper's not gonna get made!
(Hehe, can you imagine?? I would get my ass kicked royally if I tried that!)
 Every time we think it's gonna happen soon, the little tyke climbs back up and hides behind Kris' lungs and the whole circle of Fafa starts all over again!
 I got woken up last night only to be informed that she is NOT in labour! Why exactly I needed to be woken from my slumber for this little nugget, I have yet to figure out, but I guess that's part of the whole supportive partner thing I've been reading about.

My social life is in the toilet! In the last two weeks, we've missed out on Bingo night, Poker games, soccer and rugby matches and a debauched night at Teazers, to name but a few and if this kid doesn't pop soon, I'm going to be blaming it for the loss of loads of amazing memories! I spent this last weekend figuring out how to install the car seat, much to the dogs' dismay, because this means no car trips for them for a while.

On the positive side, I've now mastered the whole "shaving someone else's legs" technique and I'm pretty good at trimming the "hedge". I've also realized that pregnancy is nature's way of teaching dads/partners how to dry their kids, cause Pregnant Fairy has finally reached the stage where she can no longer reach to dry her legs after bathing. It's either me or a hair-dryer!!!

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